Plea in Abstentia for Tourists Defense Attorney

In 2018, Florida saw more than 120 million visitors from outside the state. If you happen to be one of these tourists and have been arrested while visiting, it can be expensive, stressful, and difficult to meet court attendance and other requirements. Sercombe Law is here to work hard for you, so that you may return home and rest in peace, knowing that you are avoiding unnecessary appearances, waiving pre-trial court dates, transferring probation out of state, and pursuing diversion programs that may potentially be available.

Common crimes tourists are charged with, include:

  • Driving Under the Influence cases;
  • Public Intoxication;
  • Petite Theft;
  • Possession of Controlled substance; and
  • Assault and Battery.

Additionally, visitors can find themselves unknowingly or accidentally possessing contraband when arriving or leaving the state at one of Florida’s domestic or international airports. Perhaps you ran into an unfortunate arrest at one of Orlando’s many amusement parks and don’t know how to subpoena specific security video footage. There are many situations our clients find themselves in. Sercombe Law is here to help you in any of the situations listed above and more.

As a reputable lawyer with experience across the state our firm can work with you and the prosecutors to arrange for a potential Plea in Abstentia for misdemeanor offenses. A Plea in Abstentia means that your attorney can enter a plea on your behalf, allowing you to return or stay home, outside Florida. A Plea in Abstentia can also produce favorable results such as reducing charges, withholding adjucation to avoid possible conviction, and avoiding potential probation.


If you as a visitor of our state and find yourself standing accused of a crime in Florida, you need to be sure you have an experienced lawyer on your side. Facing charges in Florida, can be tricky without the proper representation, especially if you are a tourist. For a free consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Orlando, contact Sercombe Law. We routinely handle matters in Orange County and nearby jurisdictions.